PRMMR010 Primer BiNefes SP-100 Ventilator


BiNefes is an artificial respiration device that can provide continuous or intermittent ventilation support for patients who need invasive or non-invasive mechanical ventilation, designed for long-term mechanical ventilation at home in the treatment of chronic respiratory failure, especially used in chest wall and neuromuscular diseases. Ventilators are portable ventilators produced to support patients who need artificial respiration at home and in other living spaces.

BiNefes can be used in combinations of 11 different ventilation and breathing modes.
• A-PC – Auxiliary Pressure Controlled Ventilation
• PC – Pressure Controlled Ventilation
• SIMV-PC – Pressure Controlled Ventilation with Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
• A-VC – Auxiliary Volume Controlled Ventilation
• VC – Volume Controlled Ventilation
• SIMV-VC – Volume Controlled Ventilation with Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
• CPAP/PSV – Continuous Positive Airway Pressure / Pressure Support Ventilation
• PRVC – Pressure Adjusted Volume Control
• A-PRVC – Volume Control with Auxiliary Pressure Adjustment
• BIPAP – Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure
• HFO – High Flow Oxygen Therapy


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